Sunday, June 9, 2013

5 days and counting....

The flury of activity that occurs prior to a trip is exciting and exhausting.  I want to make sure I bring every little thing we might possibly need. And I want to make sure that everything is taken care of at home.  What I need is perspective.  In fact, as I sat around with friends tonight talking about summer plans/vacations, I was struck by the fact that 
I need perspective more than I need a vacation.  
Is Guatemala a vacation? Sort of. Not really. It requires more of me than a vacation would.  Guatemala is a mission trip.  And I have come to believe that on "mission trips", we often gain much more than we give.  We gain perspective on the life God has given us.  The routine, mundane chores and activities of our lives change in the light of perspective.  A perspective given by experiences in poverty and brokenness, where the light of the gospel offers healing and wholeness.

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