Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Dear Friends, Many heartfelt thanks for your interest and support for our trip! As the date for our departure draws closer, we are finalizing plans for our work there.  One awesome thing we will be doing is delivering food baskets to poor families in the community.  We will buy beans and rice in bulk and then divide them into smaller quantities to put in the baskets for these families.  We will also be delivering first aid supplies to a medical clinic in the neighborhood.  If you want to get your kids interested in serving other kids, we welcome your participation by purchasing items that we need.  I have listed things we need to the right of this blog.  I will take pictures and post them, so that your family can see how their gifts have impacted needy children.  Last year Carli's soccer team gave soccer jerseys and the kids loved them!  We give out silly bands, hairbows, and snacks to the children, so anything that you want to contribute, we appreciate.

We have raised $5475.00 out of $7500.00 already!!!!  thank you so much!
wishing you a wildly blessed summer,

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Carmen and Lucretia

Carmen and Lucretia are two women in the Las Conchas community who have a vision to help the single moms and sibling groups who are homeless.  Lucretia has donated land and Carmen is already subletting out a piece of her land to a homeless family. One of the goals of the trip in July will be to determine what infrastructure is needed to assist these women in meeting very real needs in their community.  We also hope to provide emotional support and create a support group among the women who are believers there.  Will you please pray for these women and for what God has in store for their ministry?