Thursday, August 25, 2011

Make a difference!!!!!

Dear Friends,  One precious opportunity that we (Mitch, Courtney, Tanner and I) had this summer was to introduce Courtney and Tanner to the family we sponsor in Guatemala!  The oldest girl, Mindy Gabriela Gonon Veliz, is 16 years old and attends Shalom School.  We even are friends on Facebook because the school has computers that the students learn to use!  Anyway, Mindy has had major dental problems resulting from a fall.  She does not smile and show her teeth because she is embarrassed about the gaping hole in the front of her mouth.  While we were in Guatemala, she also told Courtney that she has no friends.  We can tell that her self-esteem is low and while we know that self-esteem is a large issue, we believe that getting her teeth fixed with help her feel more confident.  She has been evaluated by a dentist and the process of getting her an implant or a prosthesis has been started.  The doctor has given estimates on the cost of completing the work on her mouth.  We have told them to move forward with the best option for the health of her mouth knowing that God will provide the money that is needed to cover the costs.  The cost is $1400 for all the dental work.  Will you please pray and ask God if this is something that he wants you to support?  
You can go to the website and make a donation and write Mindy Gonon dental work in the comment section. 

Thanks so much for your support to us during this hard time of grieving my brother's death.  It is hard and very, very sad.  We continue to appreciate your prayers for us, John's family (his wife Audrey, Simon, Sam and Lucy), my sister and her family and my parents.  Please also pray for Mindy as she navigates the waters of being a teenager in Guatemala.  
We love you all!